8 Digital Marketing Trends for 2024

We are living in a time of digital evolution and technology’s rapid advancement. There are 4.4 billion Internet users in the world today, 9% higher than in 2018. With such progress taking place, businesses also have to adapt to such changes to stay competitive in the market.

Digital Marketing is now at the forefront and this ever-evolving field has newer trends to watch out for in 2020! Aiming to be a successful digital marketer? Now is the time! Enroll yourself in an online digital marketing course and get certified to get one of the hottest jobs of the decade. Read on to see the digital marketing trends businesses have to consider to stay successful, in 2020.

If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business - Bill Gates’

1. Video Marketing

Users are massively shifting to mobile these days. Due to the paucity of time, video consumption has increased manifold and it will remain to be one of the most successful strategies for digital marketing in 2020 also. Check out these statistics for videos.

  • 81% of businesses are using videos as marketing tools, says HubSpot.
  • By 2020, videos will constitute more than 82% of internet traffic, says Cisco.
  • Consumption of videos on mobile devices is increasing 100% every year, says Insivia.

Live videos are gaining immense popularity among millennials. A large number of brands use this format to showcase their business aspects like product demos, behind-the-scenes fun, product launches, and work culture. Live videos on Instagram and Facebook get 3x more views than pre-recorded videos.

‘Okay, Google. Please find me a good Chinese restaurant to eat at tonight’

‘Hey, Siri. Can you tell me when  ‘Titanic’ released?’

‘Alexa, tell me how long will I take to reach Point B from home?’

Sounds familiar? That’s how much voice searches have added convenience to our lives. This is the new audio Google, one can say. The voice-search-enabled assistants are becoming the go-to devices for search now. Insights from a study by Comscore says that 50% of all the searches happening online, will be voice searches by 2020.

  • ComScore predicts that by the year 2020, 50% of all online searches will be performed with voice search.
  • A study by Gartner predicts that 30% of all browsing sessions will involve voice search in 2020.

People commonly ask for music, weather forecasts, fun questions for pastime3, online search with intent, news, and asking directions-- says Adobe Analytics.

3. Browser Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that can reach an audience anywhere and at any time. Apps use it all the time. Now, websites also use them to reach out to their visitors on browsers, even when they are not on the website.  They have a CTR of up to 30%, and result in a 25% daily increase in website traffic, says this research blog.  Personalized push notifications are now the trend that will rule 2020. They come with specific call-to-actions which increase conversions. Try leaving your shopping cart on any e-tail site unattended, and you will know what push notifications do.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

The AI market will grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025 as per a research firm. AI can analyze consumer behavior, predict buying and search patterns to help businesses understand the customer profile in-depth and to understand the user journey. AI can also help marketers, save on costs incurred for customer experience and sales forecasting, also optimizing the money utilized to target the digital marketing campaigns. Chatbots have been around for a long time. Combining text, messaging, and voice, they have been revolutionizing conversations with customers. Recent research has shown that chatbots will be saving up to $8 billion per annum by 2020, as opposed to the cost of $20 million now.

5. Interactive Content & Personalization

Research says, 93% of marketers believe that interactive content works better than content that doesn’t resonate. According to a recent study by OneSpot, 100,000 digital words are consumed by Americans on an average day, of which 92% of consumers want brands to make content that is immersive or feels like a story. Brands are realizing the value of stories and experiences which resonate quicker than any other format. The shift from traditional content to dynamic, engaging content is visible and consumers are moving towards an immersive experience. Content marketing cannot have a one-size-fits-all approach. Personalization remains to be the top trend of 2020.

6. User-Generated Content

UGC is the way to connect with boomers and millennials. A report by AOL says that around 27,000,000 pieces of content are shared each day. Brands can easily entice youngsters to share content as a return for exciting rewards and gifts and in turn, get your brand advertised. UGC includes anything and everything from blogs, testimonials, photos, videos, etc. A survey found that 90% of consumers reported that such user-generated content influenced their purchase behavior and made them want to buy the product more.

7. Google Ads

Smart bidding is going to take over the current manual bidding and PPC managers are in for a surprise in the following years. Google ads anyway function on AI-induced algorithms which help in the optimization of ads. Smart bidding will automatically adjust the value as per the desired output and hence will maximize conversions.

8. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation will do a lot for businesses like improving customer retention, improving lead time for services delivery, improved user experience through chatbots, AI-generated content, optimized search for voice, etc. Automation is fast replacing the traditional methods and is proving to be beneficial for all marketers and their marketing efforts by saving them time and costs.

Here's a bonus video for you.


The digital marketing industry is only going to grow at an exponential rate.  Whether you’re working as a digital marketer or want to be one, you need to be aware of all the trends and use them to upgrade your skills and help organizations achieve effective results.

If you want to learn more about digital marketing, check out our Digital Marketing Online Course to start your career in digital marketing. Gain expertise and mentoring by top business experts and professionals in search engine optimization(SEO), social media, pay-per-click, web analytics, mobile, and email marketing. After completing this course, you will get a digital marketing certification, personalized coaching, and placement assistance.