Comprehensive Guide to Innocap: Leader in Managed Account Solutions for Institutional Investors

Innocap is a leading provider of dedicated managed account platform services for institutional investors. Founded in 2003, Innocap specializes in supporting clients in developing and operating customized managed account platforms. With a focus on providing institutional allocators with a superior way to structure, access, and monitor their alternative investments, Innocap offers meaningful control, increased transparency, and operational alpha.

Innocap's comprehensive DMA model handles onboarding, day-to-day operations, and ongoing maintenance, allowing clients to focus on delivering investment returns. With over $2.74 billion in assets under advisory as of May 2014, Innocap has established itself as an industry leader in the dedicated managed account space.

This blog provides aspiring candidates with a comprehensive guide to Innocap, delving into its history, culture, services, and career opportunities. Whether you're gearing up for interviews or aiming to build a successful career with this prestigious institution, you'll find the valuable insights you need here.

1. Overview of Innocap


Attribute Details
Industry Type Financial Services (Dedicated Managed Account Solutions)
Founded 1996
Headquarters Montreal, Canada

Company History

Founding Years (1996):

  • Founded by Denis Parisien in 1996.
  • Initially focused on providing investment management services.
  • Aimed to offer innovative solutions to institutional investors, particularly in the hedge fund sector.

Early Development (2000s)

  • Established itself as a key player in the alternative investment space.
  • Developed a dedicated managed account platform.
  • Built partnerships with major financial institutions to enhance service offerings.

Strategic Alliances (2014)

  • Formed a strategic alliance with the National Bank of Canada and BNP Paribas.
  • Significantly bolstered resources and market presence.
  • Expanded services and increased assets under management (AUM) by 23% within a year, reaching approximately $2.74 billion in assets under advisory.

Diversification and Growth (2015-2021)

  • Continued to diversify offerings and expand geographical reach, particularly into European markets.
  • Enhanced multi-jurisdictional capabilities and added new administrators.
  • Improved operational flexibility.

Expansion and Global Presence (2022- 2023)

  • Announced the acquisition of BNY Mellon’s HedgeMark business in February 2022.
  • Aimed to create a leading alternative investment platform by combining Innocap's agile investment approach with HedgeMark's established infrastructure.
  • Continued global expansion in 2023 with new offices in New York, Poland, and India.
  • Employed over 300 experienced professionals to reinforce its commitment to providing customized investment solutions.

Recent Developments (2024)

  • Focused on integrating the HedgeMark acquisition and leveraging combined capabilities to enhance client service.
  • Aimed to further innovate in the alternative investment space.
  • Positioned itself as a transformative leader in the financial services industry.

Key Milestones in Innocap's History

Year Milestone
1996 Innocap founded in Montreal, Canada.
2014 Formed a strategic alliance with National Bank of Canada and BNP Paribas, enhancing resources and market presence.
2022 Acquired BNY Mellon's HedgeMark business, creating a leading alternative investment platform.
2022 Selected by LACERA as a dedicated managed account platform (DMAP) provider.
2023 Expanded global presence by opening new offices in New York, Poland, and India.
2024 Focused on integrating the HedgeMark acquisition to enhance client service and operational capabilities.

2. Company Mission and Vision


To revolutionize the asset management industry and to provide customized expert services and an exceptional client experience.

Innocap is driven to reshape the asset management landscape by offering tailored expertise and outstanding client service.


To enhance the way value is created for the communities represented by institutional allocators

They aim to redefine value creation for the communities supported by institutional investors.

Corporate Culture

3. Comprehensive Product and Service Offerings at Innocap

Innocap provides a wide range of products and services to support the efficient management and operation of dedicated managed accounts. Their offerings cover the entire lifecycle of a fund, from structuring and formation to ongoing oversight and reporting. Here are some of the key services Innocap provides:

Fund Structuring and Formation

  • Fund Structure & Formation: Innocap assists clients in creating legally compliant and efficient fund structures, determining the appropriate fund type, jurisdiction, and legal framework.
  • Fund Governance: Innocap establishes and maintains the necessary frameworks to ensure the fund operates within legal, regulatory, and ethical standards, providing oversight to mitigate risks associated with non-compliance.

Cash and Trade Management

  • Cash Movement: Innocap manages the movement of cash within the fund, ensuring smooth and efficient transactions, including payments, transfers, and other cash-related activities.
  • Trade & Collateral Payment Processing: Innocap processes trades and manages collateral payments, ensuring accurate transactions and secure positions.

Valuation and Reporting

  • NAV Review and Approval: Innocap reviews and approves Net Asset Value (NAV) calculations, verifying accuracy and compliance with accounting standards for fair pricing and investor confidence.
  • Daily Investment and Performance Reporting: Innocap provides detailed daily reports on the fund's investments and performance, offering transparency and enabling timely decision-making.

Oversight and Due Diligence

  • Service Provider Selection, Onboarding, and Oversight: Innocap assists in selecting, onboarding, and overseeing third-party service providers, ensuring they meet required standards and deliver necessary services efficiently.
  • Counterparty Onboarding and Oversight: Innocap manages the onboarding of counterparties, including due diligence and ongoing oversight, to reduce counterparty risk and enhance operational resilience.
  • Manager Onboarding, Due Diligence, and Oversight: Innocap handles the onboarding of fund managers, conducting due diligence and providing ongoing oversight to ensure managers meet objectives and comply with standards.

4. Industry Competitors

Innocap operates in a competitive landscape within the alternative investment sector, focusing on dedicated managed accounts for institutional investors.

Man Group

  • Specialization: A leading global active investment management firm focusing on alternative investment strategies, including hedge funds and managed accounts.
  • Reputation: Known for its strong quantitative investing capabilities, Man Group has extensive experience in managing alternative assets, making it a formidable competitor in the sector.
  • Investment Strategies: Offers a diverse range of strategies across asset classes, including long/short equity, multi-strategy, and systematic trading.
  • Client Base: Serves a wide array of institutional clients, including pension funds, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds, enhancing its market credibility.

BNY Mellon (HedgeMark)

  • Platform Leadership: BNY Mellon’s HedgeMark platform is recognized as the largest hedge fund managed account platform in the industry, providing comprehensive risk services and tailored solutions.
  • Acquisition Impact: Innocap's acquisition of HedgeMark in 2022 allows it to leverage BNY Mellon's extensive resources and established client base, significantly enhancing its competitive advantage.
  • Risk Management: The platform excels in risk management and reporting services, which are critical for institutional investors seeking transparency and control over their investments.
  • Innovation: Continually evolves its offerings to meet the changing needs of clients in the alternative investment space.


  • Global Scale: As one of the largest asset management firms worldwide, BlackRock provides a comprehensive range of investment solutions, including managed accounts and alternative investments.
  • Technology Integration: Known for its advanced technology and data analytics capabilities, BlackRock employs innovative tools to optimize investment strategies and client engagement.
  • Diverse Offerings: Offers a wide array of products across various asset classes, catering to both institutional and retail investors, which solidifies its market position.
  • Client Focus: Maintains a strong emphasis on client relationships, providing customized solutions to meet specific investment needs.

State Street Global Advisors

  • Institutional Focus: A major player in investment management, State Street provides a variety of services, including managed accounts and alternative investment strategies, primarily targeting institutional clients.
  • Research Capabilities: Leverages extensive research and analytical resources to inform investment decisions, enhancing its competitive positioning in the market.
  • Reputation: Known for its strong governance and risk management practices, which are essential for institutional investors seeking stability and reliability.
  • Product Innovation: Continuously develops new investment products and strategies to adapt to market trends and client demands.

Apex Group Ltd.

  • Comprehensive Services: Apex offers a broad suite of services, including fund administration, managed account solutions, and financial technology, catering to a diverse client base.
  • Global Presence: With operations in multiple countries, Apex's global reach allows it to serve clients across various markets, enhancing its competitive edge.
  • Integrated Solutions: Provides integrated solutions that streamline operations for clients, making it an attractive partner for institutional investors.
  • Focus on Growth: Actively seeks to expand its service offerings and client base through strategic acquisitions and partnerships, positioning itself as a strong competitor in the managed account space.

5. Interview Questions at Innocap

Typical interview questions at Innocap often focus on assessing a candidate's skills, experiences, and alignment with the bank's values. Here are some common questions you might encounter:

General Innocap Interview Questions

  1. Why do you want to work at Innocap?
  2. What do you know about our company and its services?
  3. How do you handle stress and pressure in the workplace?
  4. Can you describe your ideal work environment?
  5. What are your long-term career goals?
  6. How do you prioritize your tasks when managing multiple projects?
  7. What motivates you to perform at your best?
  8. How do you stay updated on industry trends and developments?
  9. Describe a time when you had to work as part of a team. What was your role?
  10. How do you define success in your professional life?

Questions About Experience And Background

  1. Can you walk us through your resume and highlight relevant experiences?
  2. What specific skills do you bring to this position?
  3. Describe a challenging situation you faced in a previous job and how you overcame it.
  4. Have you ever worked in the financial services industry? If so, what was your role?
  5. What experience do you have with alternative investments or managed accounts?
  6. How have your past experiences prepared you for a role at Innocap?
  7. Can you provide an example of a project you led and the outcome?
  8. What tools or software are you proficient in that are relevant to this role?
  9. Describe your experience with client management or investor relations.
  10. How do you approach problem-solving in your work?

In-Depth Questions

  1. What do you think are the key challenges facing the alternative investment industry today?
  2. How do you ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in your work?
  3. Can you explain the importance of operational risk management in investment management?
  4. Describe your understanding of NAV (Net Asset Value) and its significance in fund management.
  5. How would you approach structuring a new investment vehicle for a client?
  6. What strategies do you think are effective for managing cash flow in a fund?
  7. How do you assess the performance of an investment portfolio?
  8. What role does technology play in enhancing investment operations?
  9. Can you discuss a time when you had to analyze complex data to make a decision?
  10. How do you handle conflicts of interest in your work?

6. Future Outlook and Strategic Plans  

Innocap's future outlook and strategic plans focus on enhancing its position as a leader in the alternative investment sector, particularly through its dedicated managed account platform.

Key Strategic Objectives

  1. Acquisition of HedgeMark: Innocap has entered into an agreement to acquire BNY Mellon’s HedgeMark business, aiming to create a leading technology-enabled alternative investment platform. This acquisition is expected to enhance Innocap's capabilities in providing customized investment solutions and operational efficiency.
  2. Expansion into the U.S. Market: Innocap is contemplating entering the U.S. market, recognizing increased interest from U.S. asset owners in hedge funds through managed accounts. This strategic move aims to leverage Innocap's experience in servicing sophisticated pension plans to attract new clients in the U.S.
  3. Multi-Jurisdictional Expertise: Innocap emphasizes its ability to offer flexibility through multi-jurisdictional and multi-administrative structures. The firm plans to continue expanding its expertise in various jurisdictions, particularly in Europe and Canada, while exploring opportunities in the U.S.
  4. Enhanced Client Relationships: Innocap aims to strengthen its relationships with institutional investors by providing tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. The firm plans to leverage its operational and compliance expertise to support clients in launching new funds.
  5. Focus on Operational Alpha: Innocap is committed to delivering operational alpha, which involves enhancing transparency and control over alternative investment portfolios. This focus is designed to meet the growing demand from asset owners for more complex strategies through managed accounts.

Future Outlook

  1. Growth in Managed Accounts: The firm anticipates continued growth in demand for managed account solutions as asset owners increasingly seek more control and customization in their investments. Innocap is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend with its dedicated managed account platform.
  2. Technological Advancements: Innocap plans to invest in technology to enhance its service offerings, ensuring that clients have access to the latest tools and techniques for managing their investments effectively.
  3. Strengthening Market Position: By creating a single, comprehensive alternative investment platform through the HedgeMark acquisition, Innocap aims to solidify its position as a global leader in the industry, catering to the needs of institutional allocators.
  4. Commitment to Innovation: Innocap is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation, investing in research and development to stay ahead of emerging trends in the financial services industry.

7. Conclusion

Innocap has undergone significant changes and growth in recent years, positioning itself as a leading provider of dedicated managed account solutions for institutional investors. The company has expanded its multi-jurisdictional expertise, onboarded major clients, and is contemplating entering the U.S. market.

Innocap's focus on operational efficiency, risk management, and regulatory compliance allows asset owners to maintain control and transparency over their alternative investments. By offering flexibility through its open architecture and specialized expertise, Innocap aims to be an essential partner for institutional clients navigating the complexities of hedge fund investing.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Innocap Candidates

  1. Understand the Company: Familiarize yourself with Innocap's focus on dedicated managed accounts and their commitment to operational excellence and risk management.
  2. Demonstrate Industry Knowledge: Stay informed about trends in the alternative investment sector, particularly the demand for managed accounts and regulatory compliance.
  3. Showcase Problem-Solving Skills: Be ready to discuss challenges you've faced and how you resolved them, especially in risk management.
  4. Prepare for Behavioral Questions: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses to behavioral questions.
  5. Emphasize Team Collaboration: Highlight your ability to work effectively in teams and contribute to group success.
  6. Ask Insightful Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions about Innocap’s strategic plans or company culture to show your interest.
  7. Be Professional and Personable: Engage with interviewers to create a positive impression while maintaining professionalism.
  8. Understand the Role: Review the job description and align your skills with the specific requirements of the position.

By understanding Innocap's strategic focus on operational excellence, multi-jurisdictional capabilities, and commitment to innovation, aspiring candidates can better position themselves for success in the company's dynamic and rapidly evolving environment.