Key Competency Questions for Your Next Job Interview

Employers often ask specific questions to assess certain competencies. These questions help them understand how well a candidate can handle various job-related challenges and responsibilities. Below are some common questions categorized by the competency they aim to evaluate.

Questions to Assess Specific Competencies

1. Ability to Handle Ambiguity

a. Tell me about a time when you had to work with incomplete information.

b. How do you approach solving problems when the path forward isn’t clear?

c. Can you describe how you handled an ambiguous situation in your previous roles?

2. Confidence and Body Language

a. Describe a situation where you had to present to a large audience. How did you prepare?

b. Can you share an experience where your confidence helped you achieve a goal?

3. Interview Preparedness

a. What do you know about our company’s values and mission?

b. How do your skills and experiences align with the requirements of this role?

c. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing our company today?

4. Overall Communication Skills

a. Can you explain a complex idea to me as if I were a complete novice?

b. Describe a time when you had to communicate a difficult message to someone.

c. How do you ensure your message is understood when speaking to a diverse audience?

5. Resume Effectiveness

a. Walk me through your resume and highlight the experiences most relevant to this role.

b. Can you elaborate on [specific achievement] mentioned in your resume?

6. Leadership Skills

a. Tell me about a time when you led a team to achieve a goal.

b. How do you motivate team members who are not performing well?

c. Describe a time when you led a project and how you ensured its success.

7. Efficiency and Initiative

a. Describe a situation where you improved an inefficient process.

b. Can you provide an example of when you took initiative without being asked?

c. Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to improve a process or project.

8. Adaptability and Resilience

a. Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a significant change. How did you handle it?

b. Describe a challenging situation and how you managed to stay resilient.

c. How do you handle failure?

9. Decision Making and Problem Solving

a. Explain a tough decision you made recently. What was the outcome?

b. Describe a complex problem you solved. What steps did you take?

c. Give an example of a decision you made that was not popular and how you handled it.

10. Conflict Management and Negotiation

a. Can you share an example of how you managed a conflict between team members?

b. Describe a negotiation you were involved in. What was the result?

c. How do you handle communication in a situation where there is a disagreement?

11. Social Skills and Professionalism

a. How do you build relationships with new colleagues?

b. Describe a time when you had to maintain professionalism in a difficult situation.

c. What motivates you?

12. Technical and Analytical Skills

a. Describe a time when you used data to make a decision.

b. What technical skills do you bring to this role, and how have you applied them in the past?

c. Tell me about a time when you had to analyze information and make a recommendation.

13. Tone, Modulation, and Clarity

a. How do you ensure your message is understood when speaking to a diverse audience?

b. Can you provide an example of a time when your clear communication led to a positive outcome?

14. Closing Questions

a. Do you have any questions for me?

b. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experiences that we haven’t covered?


Competency-based interview questions are designed to give employers insight into your ability to handle various job-related challenges. By preparing thoughtful responses to these questions, you can effectively demonstrate your skills and competencies. Remember to provide specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your abilities. Good luck with your interview preparation.