Found The Right Career in Data Science After 7 Years of Graduating.
By- Harshad Jain, Board Infinity Alumni
My Early Career Journey
There's a common saying which goes like this - "When the going gets tough, the tough get going"
.. and Harshad Jain, our former Data Science learner and now a Senior Analyst at Genpact is a living example that, with a strong will, you can turn all your difficulties into opportunities.
When we are busy making plans, life happens. The responsibilities of Harshad, who wanted to study engineering at some of the best colleges in India, began early in life when he decided to take care of his parents by staying at his village in Gulbarga, Karnataka.
Harshad studied mechanical engineering at Poojya Dodappa Appa College of Engineering, the best engineering college in his city, and graduated in 2014. By the time Harshad graduated, the opportunities in the mechanical engineering field had dried up and he couldn't find a placement through his college.
As Harshad couldn't leave his parents alone, he took a job teaching at a diploma college nearby to provide for them. He worked there for two years, but his career didn't progress.
During this time, Harshad had also gotten married, and his responsibilities had increased, pushing him toward something that paid better. To advance his career and support his family, Harshad decided to pursue a Mtech degree and he also worked as a delivery executive at several food restaurants to help support his higher education.
Immediately after completing his Mtech, universities and colleges began requiring a Ph.D. to teach, and Harshad was forced to quit this career path as well. Harshad then took up a job in IT support at a newly opened corporate hospital in his city so that he could at least support his family in November 2019, right before the pandemic started.
Learning Experience at Board Infinity
During the pandemic, the hospital laid off most of its employees, placing a lot of responsibility on the few remaining employees, including Harshad. In addition to working in IT Support, Harshad had to manage the front desk and accounts. Nonetheless, he continued to work hard so that he could pay his Board Infinity fees and change careers.
Harshad's friend had recommended Board Infinity as a career platform to him. Harshad's interest in math and statistics enhanced his desire to pursue a career in Data Science and he enrolled in Board Infinity's Learning Path in Data Science Online Course.
Harshad says his experience at Board Infinity was smooth since the program managers helped him a lot. Because of his busy schedule at the hospital, his familial responsibilities, and also managing his course with Board Infinity, he sometimes missed classes, but his program managers made sure it was covered through recorded sessions.
He says, " Even if you forget things, Board Infinity doesn't forget you."
As Harshad progressed through each module he became more skilled as a Data Scientist. Despite being a fresher, he developed his skills with the help of his coaches at Board Infinity.
According to him, Data Science did not require any hardcore coding skills, but a mind bent towards creative problem solving, which makes this career field suitable for anybody who wants to pursue a career in this.
He says there were a lot of times when he felt like it wasn't his cup of tea but he was determined to make a good career for himself, so he persevered.
Placement Journey
He asked his coaches to help him with Capstone projects and worked hard to get 70% in the modules to be eligible for placement. Finally, Harshad interviewed for Genpact for the role of Senior Analyst. He left his job at the hospital the day he got the offer letter.
According to him, everything that happened to him in his life helped him grow. He says that his last job helped him pay his Board Infinity fees no matter how hectic it was, so he is grateful for that as well.
Harshad's story is inspirational not because he went through several hurdles in life but because he decides to look at those hurdles in a positive way, which demonstrates the importance of a positive outlook in life.
After 7 years of being graduated, Harshad restarted his career journey in the Data Science field, and in the future, he aims to work for automobile companies like Mercedes and Audi as a Data Engineer because of his love for mechanical engineering.
Harshad is a father of two children, his daughter is 5 years old and his son is 2 years old. He says he is extremely grateful for his wife who supported him throughout the journey and believed in him. He says he will also enroll his wife at Board Infinity so that she could also revive her career like him.
Connect With Me
This was all about my journey. If you would like to connect with me you can fill out this form. "Connect with Board Infinity Alumni"
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