Python for Data Science

How to create an Empty Dataframe in Python using Pandas?

How to create an Empty Dataframe in Python using Pandas?

Introduction to Pandas DataFrame

There is something that should be mentioned regarding data frames before following the theory and practicing the creation of an empty dataframe: what is a dataframe?

A DataFrame in Pandas is a two-dimensional table of data where each row is an observation and each column is a variable or feature of the observations. It is like a table in a database or in an Excel sheet.

Core Features of DataFrame:

  • Rows and Columns: DataFrame is two-dimensional in others similar to a 2D matrix or a table with rows and columns.
  • Labeled Axes: Both, rows and columns in the dataframe contain specific labels (names, indices, column headers).
  • Heterogeneous Data Types: Depending on need, a column can contain integer, float, string, and date data types.
  • Size Mutability: Maybe note that while DW is truly high-dimensional, DataFrames are mutable structures that you can change size, shape, or structure during an analysis.

However, it is equally useful to be able to construct a DataFrame that is initially empty – it doesn’t have any rows or columns at all – and fill it up as we go along.

What is an Empty DataFrame?

An empty DataFrame is actually a Pandas type of DataFrame in which there are no columns or rows present at all. It is used at the beginning of various data manipulation tasks. This could be useful when:

  • Initializing a DataFrame for further data appending: Perhaps, you are reading data from several data sources and you wish to combine or append the data to an empty DataFrame.
  • Creating placeholders: For example, if you want to build a DataFrame with definite column labels but the data are not yet accumulated.
  • Empty DataFrame as output: If creating new multifaceted pipelines or procedures that may be required to return an empty DataFrame in some circumstances.

The structure of an empty DataFrame looks like this:

Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []

Creating an Empty DataFrame in Pandas

Using pd.DataFrame()

The initial and what is maybe the most basic way of creating a DataFrame in Pandas with no data is by applying the pd.DataFrame() function is empty-handed. This will return a DataFrame with no column and no row, so there will be an empty DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

# Create an empty DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame()



Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []

Here the DataFrame is initially and doesn’t contain any data, as can also be seen in the code. Actually, it does not have rows or even columns.

Using pd.DataFrame(columns=[])

If you want to create a DataFrame having serial numbers as an index value in columns but without any row data, then we can use the dataframe without passing any row data and if specifically, we want to have 0 or no rows then we have to give some empty values or specific column names to the “columns” parameter.

import pandas as pd

# Create empty DataFrame with specific column names
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "Age", "City"])



Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Name, Age, City]
Index: []

Now, we have created an empty DataFrame with Data columns as Name, Age, and City and no data in the data frame itself.

Using pd.DataFrame(index=[])

You can also create an empty DataFrame by passing an index that defines the DataFrame in rows. The values can be left blank or set up to a default value if desired.

import pandas as pd

# Create empty DataFrame with specific indices (rows)
df = pd.DataFrame(index=["Row1", "Row2", "Row3"])



Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [Row1, Row2, Row3]

This creates an empty DataFrame with predefined rows but no column headers so to speak.

Creating an Empty DataFrame with a Specified Shape

From time to time, it may be required to create a DataFrame filled with NaN in the desired amount of rows and columns. This can be achieved by passing a shape along with a numpy array:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create empty DataFrame with specific shape
df = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=[0, 1, 2], columns=["A", "B", "C"])



    A   B   C
0 NaN NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN

In the following code, we also constructed a DataFrame with 3 * 3 in size, and all of the entries are initially NaN.

Manipulating Empty DataFrames

Adding Data to an Empty DataFrame

Even if you complete the process of creating an empty DataFrame, it is possible to add rows or columns later. This you can do by either adding new data at the end using append or by using loc to directly input data.

Adding Rows:

# Adding a new row to the empty DataFrame
df.loc[3] = [25, "New York", 30]



    Name         City  Age
0    NaN          NaN  NaN
1    NaN          NaN  NaN
2    NaN          NaN  NaN
3   25.0  New York  30.0

Adding Columns:

You can add new columns to an existing DataFrame by assigning them:

# Adding a new column to the DataFrame
df["Salary"] = [1000, 2000, 1500, 3000]



    Name         City  Age  Salary
0    NaN          NaN  NaN    NaN
1    NaN          NaN  NaN    NaN
2    NaN          NaN  NaN    NaN
3   25.0  New York  30.0   3000.0

✅Modifying an Empty DataFrame

There is flexibility you can apply on the object where the current structure of the empty DataFrame has been created. This may involve renaming some of the columns, modification of merely the index label, or even replacement of some of the prevailing values.

# Modifying column names
df.columns = ["Age", "Location", "Years", "Income"]



    Age    Location  Years  Income
0   NaN         NaN    NaN     NaN
1   NaN         NaN    NaN     NaN
2   NaN         NaN    NaN     NaN
3  25.0    New York   30.0   3000.0

Adding Columns and Rows to an Empty DataFrame

In the case where a DataFrame has been initialized as an empty DataFrame, new data may be added dynamically. This is especially useful when the data is processed in batches incrementally.

Performance Considerations when Using Empty DataFrames

Using empty objects like DataFrames is quite effective more often than not, but how effective depends on whether you are coping with large amounts of data. Some common best practices include:

  • Avoid Frequent Reallocation: Repeatedly appending a new row or new column to an initially empty DataFrame can often lead to memory reallocation. Rather, when you can possibly do so, pre-allocate memory.
  • Use concat for Merging: When joining two or more DataFrames, it is more efficient to use; pd.concat(D) rather than appending rows as shown below.
  • In-place Modifications: The efficient use of in-place modifications can also save unnecessary copying.

Best Practices for Working with Empty DataFrames

  • Predefine Columns: If you know the names of columns in advance, it’s better to start with the help of this constructor and specify these columns as a parameter. This helps in giving some consistency in structure.
  • Track the Index: Record the indices to help you distinguish one from the other in the future when adding data relating to each of them. Avoid Inefficient
  • Loops: Avoid appending rows within a loop instead collect your data in lists, sets, or any other data structure and convert them to DataFrame at once.


In conclusion, the creation of empty DataFrames and how to enable them in Pandas is an important process as far as data analysis and manipulation is concerned. Once coordinated, all of them represent distinct methods in initializing and working with DataFrames that would help in developing more scalable data pipelines and processes.