Python String

Split String into List of Characters in Python

Split String into List of Characters in Python

What in Python is Split?

Python's split function makes string manipulation easier. It enables you to divide a string into several smaller strings. A delimiter string is used to separate the list of words that are contained in a line or string.

Why should I use Python's split () function?

Use the Python split () method for the following reasons:

  • The manipulation of strings may be necessary for a Python programme.
  • when you wish to split long strings into smaller ones or when a line has too many substrings.
  • Even in the absence of a separator or in the presence of whitespace, the function still functions. Either it breaks the string splits or it produces some output.
  • Substrings are shared by the split function as string elements.
  • The function looks for a default separator that is supplied as a parameter by scanning the line or text for it.
  • With Python coding, a split function aids in efficient string management.

Importance of split () function in Python

Python's split function can be quite helpful while working on a text mining project, which is why it is important. A split function can be applied in a variety of specialized ways. On the initialization of the delimiter, it could separate text. The function can be used to divide a text depending on the presence of white spaces even if the delimiter is absent.

A split function also divides a string when there are several delimiters present. This demonstrates how vital and dynamic Python's split function is.

Python split function syntax

A list of words in each line or a string is provided by the Python split function. A delimiter string is always used to separate such strings. From the primary strings, it offers one or more substrings. The split's syntax consists of a function with the names separator and max and a return value.

The split function's syntax is given below:

string. split (separator, max)

The function's following parameters are described as follows:-

  • Separator: To identify the delimiter, a separator is defined. The split function divides the primary string into several substrings using a separator.
  • Maxsplit parameter : The function will split the string basis into the most possible occurrences using the maxsplit parameter, which is a number.
  • Return: After breaking or splitting the primary string, the split function goes back to the list of strings.


Example 1

Using a For Loop, split a string into a list of characters

In this example, we'll use a for loop to break a string into a list of characters.

def getCharList(str):
return [char for char in str]

str = 'ourexamples'



['o', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', 's']

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Example 2

Using the List Class, split a string into a list of characters

In this illustration, we'll provide the List function Object() { [native code] } a string to work with. Each character in the string is taken as an element of the list since the string is regarded as an iterable.

str = 'ourexamples'

chars = list(str)



['o', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e', 's']

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Example 3

Using Python's list() typecasting, divide a string into a list.

Using Python list, Python offers direct typecasting of strings into a list ().

def split(word):
    return list(word)
# Driver code
word = 'SUNNY'


['S', 'U', 'N', 'N', 'Y']

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