JavaScript Fundamentals: Learning the Language of the Web
String to Array conversion in JavaScript

JavaScript is highly flexible and is also a powerful client-side and server-side programming language. Handling string and arrays is one of the frequent tasks and manipulations when working with JavaScript since they are two of the simplest data types. So regardless of whether you are analyzing input from the users, modifying data, or transforming from one data format to another, string-to-array conversion in JavaScript is frequently needed.
In this blog, we will discuss various ways through which we can convert a string to an array in JavaScript with examples, usage, explanations, and more.
1. Using the .split() Method
There is just a single method that is quite famous and widely used in JavaScript for turning a String into an array in JS and that is the .split() method. This method divides a string into an array of other strings, using a particular character, called delimiter.
string.split([separator[, limit]]);
- separator (optional): The character or regular expression is what a person wants to use to split his string. If you do not define a separator, then it returns the whole string at once as a single component of a given array.
- limit (optional): The limit parameter allows the user to control how many parts the string is divided into when using the split() function. This argument can be used to control the size of the final array which will be produced.
Example 1: Splitting a string into an array of characters
If you need to split a string and get an array of single characters, you can transform the string using .split('')
const str = "Hello World";
const arr = str.split('');
["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
In this case, the .split('') operation splits the string into an array where every element corresponds to the character in the string.
Example 2: Splitting a string into an array of words
The .split() function can also be used to split a string into words by using space or any character as a separator.
const str = "Hello World, welcome to JavaScript!";
const words = str.split(' ');
["Hello", "World,", "welcome", "to", "JavaScript!"]
Example 3: Limiting the number of splits
If you want to restrict the number of splits then you can pass a second argument i.e. limit in the.split() function.
const str = "apple,banana,grape,orange";
const fruits = str.split(',', 2);
["apple", "banana"]
Here, only the first two elements are returned even though the string has more items as elements.
Advantages of Using .split():
- Simple and intuitive.
- Effectively handles splitting on the basis of characters also known as the delimiters.
- Contains a feature that enables the use of regex for more complex splitting rules when necessary.
- Does not change the first string.
- Is slow when you want to split a string based on a complex value or multiple delimiters.
2. Using the Array.from() Method
The second way of turning a string into an array in js is using the Array.from() method. This method constructs a new array instance out of an array-like or iterable object for example a string.
Array.from(arrayLike[, mapFn[, thisArg]]);
- arrayLike: The string which may contain an array of characters or any other collection of values in the form of a string.
- mapFn (optional): A map function is a function to apply to each of the elements in the array.
- thisArg (optional): Constant to use when performing the map function.
Example 1: Converting a string to an array of characters
const str = "Hello World";
const arr = Array.from(str);
["H", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "W", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
Here, Array.from() takes the string as the argument and splits all the characters into respective iterable creating an array.
Example 2: Using a map function to transform each character
You can also pass a mapper function to Array.from() so as to map each character in the string and add the mapped character to the array.
const str = "abc";
const arr = Array.from(str, (char) => char.toUpperCase());
["A", "B", "C"]
Advantages of Using Array.from():
- Compatible with iterables like strings, NodeLists, and so on.
- Can be used to support transformations by means of a map function.
- Far more practical than .split() when it comes to intricate data processing.
- A little bit less obvious compared to .split() when all you really want is to turn a string into an array of characters.
- Can be an overkill at times as it doesn’t necessarily need to use all the methods involved for simple string-to-array conversions.
3. Using the Spread Syntax (...)
The spread syntax is another short form of turning a string into an array in js. It “parts” the string into the singular characters and puts the characters in a separate array.
const arr = [...string];
Example: Converting a string to an array of characters
const str = "JavaScript";
const arr = [...str];
["J", "a", "v", "a", "S", "c", "r", "i", "p", "t"]
The spread syntax spreads each character in the string and puts it into a new array the same way as how we do it in Array.from().
Advantages of Using Spread Syntax:
- Short and simple.
- This method is best for conversion between string type and array of characters type.
- More readable for working on something just for a few minutes at a time.
- It does not support transformations like the map function used in Array.from().
- Can be a little confusing if the array to be constructed is not the simple transitions of string to array.
4. Using a for Loop
The best and basic like a traditional for loop can also be used to manually convert each character of string to an array if need be for increased control on conversion.
Example: Using a for loop to convert a string to an array
const str = "JavaScript";
const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
["J", "a", "v", "a", "S", "c", "r", "i", "p", "t"]
Advantages of Using a for Loop:
- Allows you to have full control of the conversion process.
- For instance, it preserves the capability of expressing detail by logical operations or other computations as you go through a string.
- More verbose and less efficient compared to higher-level methods like .split(), Array.from(), or the spread syntax.
- Slower and uses more characters than, - .split, Array.from(), or spread syntax, respectively.
- Less clean or efficient than basic operations.
- Not as clean or concise for simple tasks.
5. Using Regular Expressions with .match()
If you want to split a string by a specific pattern or if you want to explore more options in the string-to-array conversion in javascript like finding specific characters then you can use .match() function in combination with regular expression.
Example: Using .match() to find all alphabetic characters
const str = "Hello 123 World!";
const arr = str.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/g); // Match all alphabetic substrings
["Hello", "World"]
In this case, .match() function will return an Array of substring that matches the specified Regular expression. The [a-zA-Z]+ matches sequences that contain alphabetic characters, and the ‘g’ flag makes the operation happen globally throughout the string.
Advantages of Using .match():
- Helpful when you want to pick out a certain pattern from a string.
- Supports a great rich set of regular expressions for people who need more than basic searching capabilities.
- It can not be used to precisely split characters or word strings as may be required in basic applications.
- Does not work with catalog numbers that contain two dots which are used in regular expressions when defining extent.