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Top 50 TCS Interview Questions and Answers(2023)

TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is a multinational company offering Information Technology service and consulting company that has its headquarter in Mumbai. It is one of the largest IT companies in India. It is also one of the subsidiaries of the Tata Group and was founded in the year 1968. The company has significant branches located in Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, and Kolkata.
50 TCS Company Interview Questions
Following are the Top 50 TCS Interview Questions For Freshers that every person wanting to apply to this company should know.
1. Define the dissimilarities between Java and C?
The preliminary distinction between Java and C is that the C language is a non-portable programming language and is compiled and not interpreted. Java is a portable, high-level object-oriented programming language that takes place with the help of machine learning, with the help of a compiler or an interpreter.
Based on the concept of Write Once Compile Anywhere, C is a programming language that is dependent on the platform. However, with Java, that is not the case. It is based on the concept of Write Once Run Anywhere and thereby is a language that is independent of the platform.
C is a middle-level language that allows it to bind/ bridge the gap between the high-level languages and the machine-level languages. Java, on the other hand, is itself a high-level language as it utilizes compilers and interpreters, as mentioned before, to translate the code.
C as a programming language can be used for both system and application programming, while Java is more of an application-only programming language and cannot be used for system programming.
2. What are the two integrity rules utilized in DBMS?
The 2 integrity rules utilized in DBMS are:
- Entity rules and
- Referential Integrity rules
The entity rule states that there is no such thing as a null primary key entry, and all primary key entries must be unique. Consequently, it will be possible to properly refer to the primary key values in foreign keys, since each row will have its own identity.
Under the referential integrity rules, the foreign key can be either null or match the primary key value in another table to which it is related, depending on whether it is part of a table's primary key or not. As a result, there may be instances in which an attribute does not have a corresponding value. However, it will be impossible for an entry to be invalid. A row in a table whose primary key matches a foreign key in another table cannot be deleted by the enforcement of the referential integrity rule.
3. What is DBMS?
The abbreviation DBMS stands for Database Management System. The system users are facilitated to perform several kinds of operations on this system for either manipulation of data or the management of the database structure. In order to ensure that data remains accessible and is consistently organized, these systems serve as an interface between databases and users or applications.
4. What are the four storage classes available in C?
The four storage classes available in C are:
- Register
- Auto
- Extern and
- Static
They define the scope and lifetime of variables within a C program.
5. What are macros?
Macros is a single instruction that a company reads automatically as a set of instructions necessary to do a particular task. Macros are small units of computer code that are called by their names in a program. In cases where the compiler encounters this name, it substitutes the actual code for the name.
6. What are linked lists and queues?
Both of them are the data structures forming part of C++. Queue, in essence, is basically a data structure waiting list that follows the FIFO (First In First Out) mechanism. Such a data structure could be implemented using linked lists, as each element is linked to the other with a pointer in a linked list.
7. Define copy constructor?
Copy constructors are special constructors that can be utilized for creating a new object as a copy of the existing object.
8. Which algorithm sort is the best?
Quicksort is commonly seen as the fastest sorting algorithm because its performance is highly reliable in the average case for most of the inputs.
9. What are loops in C?
Loops are used to execute the block of code multiple times according to the condition prescribed in the loop. It means that it can execute the same code multiple times.
10. What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is nothing but the availability of computer system resources that comprise data storage and computing power managed by the user. On-demand access to computing resources is provided by cloud computing, which is essentially internet-based access to remote computing facilities through a cloud services provider (or CSP).
11. What is the meaning of polymorphism?
An object-oriented program (OOP) has a fundamental concept called polymorphism, which describes a variety of incidents wherein something appears in more than one form. By exposing different objects within the same interface, different types of objects can be accessed. Depending on the type of object, this interface can have a variety of implementations.
12. What are the types of inheritance?
The different types of inheritance are
- Single Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Multi-level Inheritance
- Multipath Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance.
13. What are the functions of the linked list?
A linked list comprises two parts: the information and the link. The list begins with a unique pointer, and the last node pointer has the null pointer.
14. What is known as a marquee?
Marquee is an element of HTML that causes an image or a text to scroll through any direction, like right or left and up or down.
15. Define the purpose of metadata?
Metadata stores the information about the data that is stored in an HTML document. This storage is done under the tag name “meta”.
16. Define the main difference between bubble sort, merge sort, and insertion sort?
These are all sorting algorithms that allow us to sort data into particular categories in an organized manner. As the name suggests, insertion sort sorts by transferring one element at a time to an array that is partially sorted. In contrast, bubble sort sorts by checking the neighboring data elements and transferring them if they are out of order. Using merge sort, the data-set is divided into smaller sets, that smaller set is sorted, and then the smaller sets are grouped together (merged).
17. What is known as the software development life cycle?
The software development life cycle is basically the steps involved in the development of software. It also comprises a clear explanation of how to develop and maintain software. There are seven phases in the software development life cycle:
- Planning stage
- Analysis and definition requirements
- Design
- Implementation and coding
- Testing
- Deployment
- Maintenance
18. What is known as the style sheet?
A style sheet is a file that describes the basic layout of an HTML document or a web page. The stylesheet prescribes the colors, spacing, fonts, size, etc. The most common stylesheet used is the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
19. What are known as conditional statements?
The conditional statements can also be known as conditional expressions. These conditional elements are executed if a particular condition is termed as true.
20. Is the memory allocation done in C++ the same as in C?
It is not the same for both C as well as C++. C++ uses the new () operator, and in C, it is done using the malloc () and calloc () methods.
21. What is modularity?
Modularity is a kind of modular program that has been split into smaller modules, and each of those modules is enabled to perform only one task or a set of functions.
22. Name the deadlock prevention techniques?
The deadlock prevention techniques are as below:
- Mutual Exclusion
- Resource holding
- No preemption and
- Circular wait
23. What is known as cache memory?
Cache memory is a computer memory that is smaller in size and is used by the CPU to reduce the average cost to access any data from the main memory.
24. What is known as operator overloading?
Operator overloading comes under the principle of polymorphism that allows the redefinition of existing operators to be used on user-friendly classes.
25. What is the difference between a foreign key and a reference key?
The major difference between the foreign key and the reference key is that a foreign key is used to link to tablets, and the reference key is referenced in the other table.
26. What is the meaning of an array?
The data structure containing similar elements is called an array. All arrays must have the same type of data.
27. What is Memory Alignment?
Memory Alignment forms part of the data structure and is used to arrange the data and access it in the memory books.
28. How many types of recursions are there in C?
There are 6 types of recursions in C.
- Linear recursion
- Tail recursion
- Binary recursion
- Exponential recursion
- Nested recursion and
- Mutual recursion
29. What is the scope of a variable?
The scope of the variable means visibility of the variable, and the visibility of the variable is limited to a certain program or a function.
30. Define static identifier?
An identifier that is initialized once and the value is retained throughout the application's lifetime, is known as a static identifier.
31. What is encryption?
Encryption is the process of converting text into code. The encryption's primary and most significant objective will be to eradicate anyone from having unauthorized access to the data.
32. What is meant by SDLC?
The term SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is the stages and phases that are a part of the development of particular software.
33. Define decryption?
Decryption is encrypted data transformation and enables it to be converted into influential text that can be read and understood.
34. What is a clustered index?
A clustered index is an index that reorders the records so that they are physically stored in a table.
35. What is the concept of a Tree?
The concept of a Tree is nothing but an abstract type of data. This concept represents the nodes that are connected by the edges. In data structures, trees are nonlinear and contain a hierarchy of nodes that store values, which are basically the lists of references between nodes, also called "children", and have a nonlinear structure.
36. Explain the term garbage collector?
Garbage collector comes under the concept of Java, and it is a program that manages memory automatically and removes unused objects from the system.
37. Who developed C?
Dennis M. Ritchie was the person who developed the concept of C.
38. What is a command-line argument?
A command-line argument enables us to get the arguments from the command prompt in C. The main functions are the
- Argument Vector
- Argument Counter and
- Environment Vector
39. What is known as Database Schema?
Database Schema is defined as a set of formulas or sentences called integrity constraints imposed on a database. It represents the skeleton or the structure through which the entire database is viewed logically. By mapping the data to the relations between them, it determines how the data is organized. It also presents a set of restrictions to apply to the data.
40. What are called static variables?
Static variables maintain their value even after they are out of their area of scope. They preserve their past value.
41. What is the difference between classes and interfaces?
The differences between classes and interfaces are such that a class can be instantiated by creating an object, and interfaces cannot be instantiated as the methods are abstract.
42. What is known as enumeration?
It is a data type defined by the users and is used to assign the names to the constants, and in this process, it makes the program easy to read.
43. What do you mean by digital signature?
A digital signature is a technique used to validate the authenticity of a message. It is an encrypted version of a direct message.
44. What is the difference between const char *p and char const *p?
These both are the pointers to a constant char. By writing char * const p, it would declare that P is a constant pointer to char.
45. What is NAT?
NAT is known as National Address Translation, and it involves the modification of IP headers of the packets that are being transported over a traffic routing device.
46. What is Ping?
Ping is a computer program that determines if a host is reachable and can accept a request through an IP network.
47. What is Ethernet?
Ethernet is a network technology that connects its devices through cables for data transmission in the networks like LAN, MAN, and WAN.
48. What are interruptions?
An interrupt forms part of the hardware system that alerts the CPU when it wants to access a specific resource.
49. What are the data structures in C?
The purpose of the C data structures is to store and manage data efficiently and systematically. The data structures in C are
- Arrays, which are collections of related elements, one after the other, that have the same type of data,
- Stacks, which is a linear data structure that follows the principle of last-in-first-out ordering,
- Queues, which is also is also a linear data structure but follow the principle of first-in-first-out ordering,
- Linked lists, are like arrays but are not stored sequentially in the memory. They contain two sections: a data section and an address section containing the address of the next element in the list, which is usually referred to as a node in linked lists.
- Trees that are non-linear, hierarchical data structures with one root node and multiple sub-nodes.
50. What is the use of the friend function?
A friend function forming part of a class can be used to access private and protected class members.
Interviews can be stressful, but they don't have to be. You're now equipped with the 50 most asked questions in a TCS interview. Go through them thoroughly and be confident for your next interview.
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