Did you know that it just takes only a fraction of a second for someone to evaluate you when you meet them for the first time? This means, for making a killer first impression, you need to be on your A-game from the very beginning.
If you have made it to a face-to-face interview, it means that you are a deserving candidate now, and it's time to prove that you are the “perfect candidate” for the job. If your first impression is positive, you have already won half of the game. If not, you need to push hard and prove yourself in the rest of the interview.
Essential Tips to Make a Killer First Impression
Check out these tips, practice, and ace your next interview!
1. Be On Time
The recruiter will not be interested in your “excuse” for running late. If you don’t want to screw up your interview, try to arrive or join the meeting at least a few minutes early. It’s far better to be before time than letting the recruiter wait for you. This is the first step towards creating a good first impression.
2. Dress Appropriately
Clothing is yet another important point to consider to make a good first impression. So, dress up appropriately.
The meaning of dressing up appropriately indeed differs from person to person, but try to figure out what you would expect from an interviewee if you were the recruiter. If you aren’t sure what to wear, try to wear light-coloured formals.
3. Do Your Homework
If you are attending a job interview, it is a must to research the company's background beforehand. You may be asked “Why do you want to join our company?”, which you can only answer when you have significant knowledge of the company’s projects.
Research about the company’s history, vision, CEO’s name, product, etc., and use this knowledge to make a killer first impression.
4. Be Mindful of Your Body Language
When you are meeting someone for the first time, keep your body posture ‘open’, don’t cross your legs or arms, and don’t hunch over your seat. Lean in when the interviewer is saying something because it represents that you are actively listening and engaged in the conversation.
Use your body language to show appropriate confidence and self-assurance. It will help both you and the interviewer to feel comfortable.
5. Choose Your Words Wisely
The correct choice of words is far more important than you think. Positive and formal words and phrases make people feel more comfortable while discussing with you.
It is better to speak at a slow rate, than using filler words like “ah”, “um”, etc. Try to avoid using them as much as possible to reflect optimism and agency instead of negativity.
6. Make Eye-Contact
It can be difficult to maintain good eye contact with the recruiter if you feel nervous, but if you are looking here and there in the room, it reflects that you aren’t attentive in the interview and want it to finish as soon as possible.
Make sure the recruiter doesn’t feel that you are starting him/her, just try to make decent eye contact.
7. Be Yourself
When you meet someone for the first time, don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not. If you are unaware of the answer to the question, don’t try to fake it by making a wild guess. If you get caught doing so, it reflects that you are not aware of yourself.
You should be well-prepared with an authentic and honest answer about your weaknesses like low GPA in graduation, education gap, employment gap, etc.
8. Be Unique
If you want to make a good impression, discuss something that makes you stand out from the crowd. If you have an interesting hobby, or you've done something extraordinary in your past, put it into the discussion.
9. Ask Questions Yourself
To show interest in the company, it is very much appreciated to ask some questions out of curiosity to know the work areas of the company. Prepare a couple of questions beforehand to ask the recruiter yourself.
A possible question can be: “Where will the company want to see me after 5 years if I get selected?“
10. Final Touch
Last but not the least, let the recruiter know that you are thankful to him/her for considering your application. You can do this by phone, email, or at the very end of the interview itself.
This reflects that you are really motivated to join their company.
Wrapping Up:
In this blog, we have discussed some tips to make a killer first impression at a job. We sincerely hope that this blog gives you essential tips to make a great impact with your first impression.
Once an initial impression is made, it is nearly impossible to change, so you need to make sure that you get it right the first time. Following the essential tips will ensure your winning over new connections before you even introduce yourself.
“Two things remain irretrievable: time and a first impression.”
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