I am a software developer for just one reason. I love solving complex problems; late night brain-storming sessions to break down a statement into smaller tasks, building them and putting them back together to form a product which can be used by millions of people makes me tremendous joy.
Software Developer (Full time)
15 Feb 2019 - Current
Software Developer (Full time)
4 May 2017 - 13 Feb 2019
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RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)2017
Software Development
Software Development
Web Applications
Web Analytics
Coding / Programming
Country Finalist in Capgemini Innovators Race
Issued :Nov 2015
Go Ubiquitous
Completion Date :Aug 2016
This App is an extension of previously built Sunshine App and extends functionality to Android Wear. This App sends Weather Data to Wear Device and supports both square and round watch faces. This is the 6th project in Audacity Android Developer Nanidegree Program.
XYZ Reader
Completion Date :Jul 2016
A RSS Reader App that conforms to the guidelines defined by Google Material Design Language. This App fetches data from a Dropbox Server and provides proper Material Design Tools like Floating Action Button, Action Bar, Tool Bar and Snack Bar through the use of Android Support Library. This is the 5t...Expand
I am a software developer for just one reason. I love solving complex problems; late night brain-storming sessions to break down a statement into smaller tasks, building them and putting them back together to form a product which can be used by millions of people makes me tremendous joy.